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Cómo hacer backup de un Docker container

Desde línea de comando (CLI).

Sugiero este procedimiento para almacenar y resguardar un Docker container en una imagen, también es útil si se desea migrar el container, por ejemplo, a otra máquina host o a una virtual machine diferente. 1) Obtener el CONTAINER ID del contenedor que se desea resguardar: Ejemplo de output: 2) Crear commit local para generar docker […]

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¡Feliz día, colegas programadores! (día #256 del año)

Felicitaciones para quienes eligieron vivir de esta “mezcla de arte y ciencia”.

Gracias a quienes hacen que nuestra profesión sea respetada y valorada. Dedicaría un post aparte de agradecimiento para quienes siempre me apoyaron en este camino y en mi formación. Familia, amigos, esposa, colegas, clientes, contactos inspiradores, ¡gracias!

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My design pieces for To Be Srl demos at the #MilanoDigitalWeek

Designs I’ve made for the MilanoDigitalWeek These are some of my designs for To Be Srl LiFi technologies presentation and demos at the MilanoDigitalWeek.

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Rome 360 Virtual Reality Immersive Web Experience

Rome Virtual Reality 360. Immersive User Experience developed by Gustavo Adrián Salvini (Twitter: @guspatagonico)

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Scrollable & draggable bi-dimensional Web UI

Scrollable & draggable bi-dimensional web UI concept (and real implementation for Italia Vive). Nested lists (articles by categories) Taylor-made CMS for this sort of contents. Development by: Darío Ruellan and Gustavo Salvini

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D3.js Force Layout implementation

A few months ago Darío (@druellan) and me worked on a project based on interactive infographics where D3.js was the JavaScript library of choice to build those visualizations. Here you can see some short screencasts of our first development sessions. We used Force Layout and Drag’n Drop.  Some testing and debugging in action for you. […]

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La potenzialità di una squadra

Tratto di conversazione con un mio amico italiano.

La potenzialità di una squadra può diventare sempre maggiore se ognuno diventa veramente consapevole di avere delle doti non espressi oppure non approfittati fino in fondo. Alcune volte ci si deve cercare nei ricordi lontani di altri periodi della propria vita per rendersi conto… e aiuta molto scrivere su carta tutte le cose che uno […]

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Turdera Creative District

Comarcas Vivas / Creative Districts

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Wait for the others or make it happen?

Starting a new project takes a lot of energy. But reputation is the key and there is a lot of room for improvement.

For an entrepreneur, not having ideas is like not having food to eat. Her very survival depends on it… While people search for fresh locally grown veggies, in the finest farmer’s market in the city, the entrepreneur seeks out the newest and most unique ideas available around her. Unlike shopping for veggies, a writer has […]

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