Projects, Research, Design & Development in pursuit of Innovation, by Gustavo Adrián Salvini.
A few months ago Darío (@druellan) and me worked on a project based on interactive infographics where D3.js was the JavaScript library of choice to build those visualizations. Here you can see some short screencasts of our first development sessions. We used Force Layout and Drag’n Drop. Some testing and debugging in action for you. […]
La potenzialità di una squadra può diventare sempre maggiore se ognuno diventa veramente consapevole di avere delle doti non espressi oppure non approfittati fino in fondo. Alcune volte ci si deve cercare nei ricordi lontani di altri periodi della propria vita per rendersi conto… e aiuta molto scrivere su carta tutte le cose che uno […]
Starting a new project takes a lot of energy. From the initial spark of an idea to the countless hours of coding, testing, and debugging, the journey of building something from scratch is both exhilarating and exhausting. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of development, one crucial aspect often overlooked is reputation. A strong reputation […]
Vivimos bombardeados por la (des)información y el ruido, y entre tanto barullo, aplicar el pensamiento crítico o mantener hilos de razonamiento o de reflexión prolongados y profundos se está haciendo cada vez menos frecuente.
El tiempo es el sustrato indispensable para todo lo que hay y para todo lo que podría haber si lo usáramos a favor.
¿Por qué la falta de tiempo es algo tan actual?
Aparentemente vivimos con una lista interminable de obligaciones auto-impuestas que engendran nuevas obligaciones en un sinfín que posiblemente no tenga ningún sentido.
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