Projects, Research, Design & Development in pursuit of Innovation, by Gustavo Adrián Salvini.
Profitable projects don’t come from complicated strategies—they come from smart, focused execution. Identify the core problem, build a lean solution, and then scale. Success is often found in simplicity.
For you who are… Wide-eyed dreamers, for whom each “Hello World” births a universe anew…. Sculptors of logic, finding Fibonacci’s grace in each streamlined function… Zen masters of the debugger’s art, with souls of saints and hearts of lions: Happy Developers Day!
When multiple styles target the same element, how does the browser play referee? Enter CSS specificity – the point system that crowns the champion in style conflicts.
Ever wondered why software versions look like 2.4.1? It’s a powerful communication tool called Semantic Versioning (or “SemVer”). Demystify those numbers and discover how they can save you from “dependency hell.” Let’s explore the world of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH!
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in software development, where the integration of AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) is democratizing the creation process and dramatically enhancing developer productivity. This revolution is not just about faster coding; it’s reshaping the entire development lifecycle, from ideation to deployment.
In March, the European Union (EU) introduced a new risk-based legislative framework, known as the AI Act, designed to regulate the development, use, and applications of artificial intelligence within the EU. Following its passage by the European Commission in May, the AI Act is now officially in force.
In the IT world, keeping up with the latest technologies, frameworks, and best practices can feel like scaling an ever-growing mountain.
The rapid evolution of this field means there’s an unending stream of new knowledge demanding your attention. This ceaseless flood of information can quickly become overwhelming, pushing you to the brink of burnout if not managed with precision. Here I share some of my ideas and practices on how to balance this effectively.
Designs I’ve made for the MilanoDigitalWeek These are some of my designs for To Be Srl LiFi technologies presentation and demos at the MilanoDigitalWeek.
Scrollable & draggable bi-dimensional web UI concept (and real implementation for Italia Vive). Nested lists (articles by categories) Taylor-made CMS for this sort of contents. Development by: Darío Ruellan and Gustavo Salvini
A few months ago Darío (@druellan) and me worked on a project based on interactive infographics where D3.js was the JavaScript library of choice to build those visualizations. Here you can see some short screencasts of our first development sessions. We used Force Layout and Drag’n Drop. Some testing and debugging in action for you. […]
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